Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I think we need to talk...

Okay I think I have made it pretty clear how I feel about My Mario. I mean sure, I mentioned Rob Lowe and how he is at the top of the "list" but that doesn't mean that I still don't think about Mario 'cuz I do. But here's the thing, as I understand it the Miss America pageant was on - yes, that's what I said, the Miss America pageant has come and gone. I GUESS it was on Monday. But I can't be sure because I DIDN'T WATCH IT! And why didn't I watch it? Because I didn't know it was on. Could anyone (Amy, McHubby, Ann, etc) bother to mention this little fact? NO. Did anyone (Amy, McHubby, Ann, etc.) send a little email? NO. Or heaven forbid could anyone (Amy, McHubby, Ann, etc.) make a telephone call - just a quick chat to tell me not to miss the show? NO. So guess what? Mario came and went and I didn't even know. My chance to see his dimples flashing at me - GONE. My chance to see if he could sing and dance his way to Miss America infamy? GONE. Now what am I supposed to do? Tell me? That's what I thought. So do you see why we needed to talk? This was important stuff.

But now I'm so distraught and distracted I can't even write. See now look what you've done. I guess I'll just be going. Saying goodbye. Turning off the computer. Left alone. To ponder. To think. To wonder when I will possibly see My Mario again. I hope you are all happy :-)

You know, even yesterday's question didn't prompt ANYONE to mention the entire Mario thing. Seriously, I don't know if I should even give you the answer. Okay fine here it is but only because I really like Melissa and she was the first correct guess. Yes, the answer is Mr. Belding - Mr. Richard Belding.

Now back to the music with today's question:

What was the only Yes hit to top the singles charts?
Another hand glittered monogram if you can name the album and DESCRIBE the cover art.


Amy said...

I'm still waiting for my monogram from before!

It never ocurred to me that you would miss it. I figured you had tivo!

deb said...

I think they're playing it again... check online to see. I didn't know the answer until I saw Cathy's answer. Yikes.. some of those 80's tunes seem to blend into each other. Maybe it's just me and my lack of memory. HA!

deb said...

I think CMT is replaying it (country channel.) So go look!! :)