Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I have a confession...

You know that road I talk about - the one that goes by the Walmart Zone - the one that I must travel each morning on my way to work - the one that is posted as 40 mph but seems compelled to draw 30 mph drivers? Well, yesterday, I was one of those slow drivers. But wait, before you start ahhhahhhahhhing me you need to know it was SLIPPERY! Never-the-less there was some guy in a big SUV right ON MY BUTT the entire time. Yes, I know he was probably inside his big SUV saying "it's 40, it's 40, it's 40" but IT WAS SLIPPERY - so speed limits don't count. Besides I knew I was driving slow which is an entirely different story than driving slow and being OBLIVIOUS to the posted speed limit. Seriously!

By the way it was five lanes of TRAFFIC that Frogger had to cross each screen. Ms. Amy Smarty Pants and I have already discussed the errors of her ways and she apologizes for leading you all astray...

Today's question is MUCH easier:
What smash 1987 comedy was hyped: "They changed her diapers. She changed their lives"?



Anonymous said...

3 men and a baby!!! :)

Amy said...

What Wendy said. :)

Any updates from the tower?