Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Haircuts and not so crabby reminders

So I still don’t know if I like this evening update stuff. I haven’t adjusted yet. It’s throwing off my Zen. I’ll give it a few more days and then we’ll see how I feel. The good news is I’ve always got something to feel crabby about.

Speaking of crabby – okay, so this morning it happened, I got behind the 20 in a 40 zone driver. HELLO – it’s 40. That’s 20 mph faster than you are driving grandma! So what do I do? I sit in the car and say – it’s 40, it’s 40, it’s 40 – hoping that they will telepathically pick up my crabby and IRRITATED vibes. It never works… Oh and this happened even BEFORE I entered the Walmart Zone! You know that is NOT a good sign.

But there has been some light in my day. Lately I have been liking my hair which can only mean one thing. I must have a haircut coming up. I’m never exactly sure when my next cut is scheduled. Whenever I get a haircut I schedule the next appointment for five weeks. I pick a date, the receptionist girl fills out the little reminder card and hands it to me, I very sincerely accept the card and then drop it into the black hole of my purse and never see it again. Why? Because they call me! The day before I have a haircut there is a friendly message on my machine reminding me I have a haircut. I love that reminder. I love that they take the time to call me and tell me I have a haircut, because even though I have a reminder card somewhere in my purse I’m never quite sure of the actual appointment date. Sure there are signs it’s getting close, a month has passed, I’m running out of hairspray, it’s been a good hair week, that kind of thing, but there is nothing that cements the date in my mind like the reminder call.

Oh and how come my hair knows I have a haircut coming up? Does it have a psychic connection to the reminder card? Does one hair become the leader and line the rest up to tell them that this is the week of the haircut so they all better straighten up because you never know who may get the “permanent cut”? Who knows? And what would happen if I refused the reminder card? Would I have a good hair month? Or would my hair freak out because it didn’t have the reminder card ESP to rely on? I’m afraid to find out. All I know is that six months from now when I clean out my purse I will find at least five reminder cards – and if it wasn’t for the reminder PHONE CALL I never would have remembered one of those appointments – not one! So, I wonder why they fill out those cards anyway. Don’t they know I am dependent on the reminder call NOT the card. I mean really, does anyone actually remind themselves from the reminder card??? This could keep me up all night…


Wyatt! said...


Shirley said...

You DO know that that's what the horn is for, right? I've been known to reach over and honk in someone else's car while that someone else is driving. ;)