Monday, April 4, 2011

I don't know how much more I can take...

So this Sunday's family movie night choice was Black Beauty (Lauren's pick this time).  OMG - could there possibly have been a more depressing movie?  Between people getting sick and having to move and leave their horses behind to Ginger the horsey (literally) girlfriend ending up dead on the back of a wagon to Joe the horse's childhood savior walking by Black Beauty not once BUT twice without realizing it was him raised my anxiety level to an all time high.  Do they make family movies which aren't heart wrenching - holy bananas.

Oh and I didn't have high hopes for this season of DWTS (Dancing with the Stars) but so far I'm impressed.  I mean Wendy Williams doesn't have a chance in h#ll but the rest of them aren't too bad.  And, I have no idea who she is but that Chelsea chick can really move - just think if they paired her with My Mario (well you know in the event I'm not avialable to dance with him of course).  I'm just saying...


1 comment:

Amy said...

I watched Black Beauty recently too! Cried like a baby!!!