Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Havin' a jiggy shimmy does not a dancer make...

Oh Kendra baby - just because you know how to shake that BOO-TAY and those BOO-BAYS does not mean you know how to dance.  Seriously...  As Bruno alluded you can take the girl out of the strip-club but you can't take the stripper out of the girl. 

So yes, I will admit it I am not a Kendra fan.  She's a whiner.  She likes to be a victim and she can't dance.  She may know her way round the strip club but without that pole to hold her up she's got nothin'.  I'm hoping she will go home tonight but I am sure there will be no such luck.  Call me jealous if you like but really if she had a graceful, rhythmic move in her body I'd be all over the girl with dancing praise.

That's it.  Just needed to get that out there since she isn't taking my calls.  Sorry Kendra, I'm just trying to help, seriously :-)


1 comment:

Amy said...

Who are you favoring to win this season?