Sunday, September 16, 2007

The click heard around the world...

Did you hear it this morning? That very distinct, very deliberate, very firm click? That was me, locking the bathroom door for myself and every other mother on the face of the earth.

It is a well known and documented fact that children and spouses suddenly cannot fathom life without the woman who holds it all together the minute she steps into the bathroom. REALLY!

I simply wanted to take a shower in peace. I didn't plan to deprive them of my presence for the rest of their natural lives - all I wanted was twenty minutes, to myself, just me and a hot steamy shower. But after no less than a dozen interruptions I did it - I locked the door - and life as my family knew it failed to exist. There was much knocking on the door and jiggling of the doorknob and plaintive cries of "mom". I ignored it all because really I just wanted fifteen minutes - I planned on unlocking the door in fifteen minutes. Yes, I would have come out for something really important like a potty accident or a ringing phone or Rob Lowe at the door - but I needed to keep it all in perspective.

So I got my fifteen minutes, and when I opened the door I found, amazingly enough to others, that despite cries and disclaimers to the contrary, no one's life had fallen apart. All had managed just fine without me for those fifteen minutes. And more importantly once everyone had a chance to tell me about all of their life's big moments from the past fifteen minutes and assured themselves that I had not been sucked down the drain they left me alone. And I got ready AND we made it to church on time. Ahhhh - so thankful for the lock.

So for those of you that weren't quick enough to get to the lock before the door was barricaded with human life, (or heaven forbid those WITHOUT a lock on the bathroom door) the click was for you. Seriously, I don't know one mom/wife who doesn't deserved 15 minutes of alone time, I hope you enjoyed it :-)



Amy said...

Thank you. Yes! I DO NOT have a lock on my bathroom door. GASP! So thank you.

Wendy said...

Some days I would like to lock everyone out of the house completely, so I think you were generous in just locking the bathroom! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm like lock! So I completely understand where you're coming from!

Shirley said...

I would kill for 8 hours. LOL!

Unknown said...

oh lawdy, I so know what you mean. My kids can be playing for hours, they dont even know i exist, but as soon as i step foot in the shower, or pick up a phone to actually speak to an adult voice, its like i am the only person on earth. you can hear the MOOOOM he hit me, the MOOOM can I have... the MOOOOM are you done.. its terrible seriously. so go ahead sista, lock more often! ive even managed to bring a radio into the bathroom now, and drown out their screams. and yes, I am like you, I will come out of something is life altering, yano like blood or something of the like, otherwise 15 minutes isnt going to change their lives forever..