Sunday, December 26, 2010

The most wonderful time of the year...

The follow-up edition.  I love Christmas - I really do.  I love the hustle and bustle and good cheer and pretty lights and Christmas trees in windows and little kids singing and shopping and wrapping and seeing family and sharing the love.  What I don't love are the days following Christmas when the trees start coming down and the lights begin blinking off and the stores are filled with muddy foot prints and people returning the gifts that they just didn't like.  There isn't so much good cheer as resentful impatience.  And it's all happens so quick.  One day everyone is hurrying and scurrying and the next they are trying to figure out what to do with all their old junk.  I know it can't be Christmas every day but maybe once every six months??? 

Personally I won't be taking my tree and decorations down until New Year's Day so that leaves me six days to savor the season.

I'll just be over here - gazing at the tree and thinking about the memories of the season...

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