Sunday, January 10, 2010

No, no I do not want to buy a hockey pizza...

It is hockey pizza selling time in my fair city. Hockey is a huge youth sport in our area and each season the hockey playing youth are forced to traverse the frozen tundra to peddle pizzas which bare no small resemblance to a hockey puck. Seriously! But in the interest of youth sports we support the annual hockey pizza sales.

Today my neighbor braved the below zero elements and rang my doorbell - just moments after the HotY and children left the house to run a few errands. Normally I may have ignored the doorbell but since everyone had just left I thought maybe something had been forgotten and one of the kids was at the door to retrieve their forgotten hat or mittens. So I wrangled the dog and opened the door and there stood "K" anxious to show me the very newest in hockey pizzas. And there I stood trying to keep a 40lb dog from bolting out the door while unshowered, unbrushed, unmake-up'd wearing a dirty t-shirt, holey pants and no bra. I very calmly and coolly, as if I were in my finest party attire, said "K" I would be happy to buy a hockey pizza but please come back tomorrow I promise I won't buy from anyone else (which will be an easy enough promise to keep - you don't really think I plan to answer the door again do you?). He said okay and left while I closed the door and vowed never to answer the doorbell before showering again. So there, that's why I didn't buy a hockey pizza today - but I know "K" and he'll be back tomorrow. This time I'll be prepared...

TTFN... invest in a peephole - it may save your vanity.


Shirley said...

You are too funny. I'd almost rather do pizza than wrapping paper. I remember in high school we used to do candy, Krispy Kreme donuts (YUMMO!), and here and there fruit.

Heather said...

Great story! Here in Texas, there are no Hockey Pizzas, just girl scout cookies.

Ann said...

LOL Angie!

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