Anyway, I had every intention of showing you pictures of our Doodle turned Poodle but Syd insisted on taking them. I have pictures of the toilet bowl, the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, the dog dishes, the sweater lying on the chair in the living room and the HotY's butt but what I don't have is a picture of the dog (and THIS is why I thank the makers of digital cameras because if I spent money developing the pictures that get taken around this house it would not be a wise use of my dollars).
Oh, wait, the HotY just saved the day and snapped a picture of Ms. Ploodledoodle - see for yourself, it's not good. Let's just hope it grows out before the other neighborhood dogs get a look because all the eyeshadow and mascara in the world is not going to detract from this haircut...

Oh and that is one of her chew toys hanging out of her mouth. She's got an oral fixation.
Poor baby. Like her color though!
Yeah, Hayley got a digital camera (cheapy one) for Christmas and I can't tell you the stuff we've gotten pictures of. She also LOVES taking self-portraits. Evidently that's a MIL trait. *eye roll*
aww...she's a cutie :)
I guess I think it's cute! But she does have an ashamed look on her face. :-) Now about those other pictures you mentioned?
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