Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Things are winding down...

The end of the school year is nearly here.  Even the girls mentioned has fast this year passed by.  That's pretty significant for 8 year olds so it must be true.  Has someone changed the world time clock? 

So the Lauren & Syd will finish up on Friday and Alex will be done next Thursday.  I know this summer is going to pass quickly, which I'm dreading.  Summer could linger on forever as far as I'm concerned! 

Oh and in case you were wondering L & S did have friends attend their b-day party and pictures were taken - I'm just not comfortable posting single shots of someone else's kids.  You know?

Okay, I've really got absolutely nothing to say today - just thought I should get a post up since it has been a few days.  That's the problem with blogging too many days away and you have nothing to say and when you do have something to say you do a bad job saying it...  Oh well, it's just for fun - right???


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