Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thank goodness...

they aren't like me - my girls that is... We had conferences tonight. The first real conferences for Lauren & Sydney. Both of them got rave reports. They need to work on their fine motor skills a little more but the teacher is not worried as they are "such little mites" (her words - and really they are - pictures are deceiving - Syd weighs all of 32 lbs and Lauren weighs 35 lbs and neither one of them are giants in terms of height either - but considering Syd started out in this world at 3lbs 8oz and Lauren was 4lbs 8oz they are doing pretty well). Anyway, the reports were great and the teacher stated they are hard little workers. You could almost hear me letting out the breath I had been holding since we sat down. I was so relieved to hear they were doing well and that we weren't going to be setting down and having "the talk" as my parents did with me each time they had conferences for me - from the time I can remember until High School graduation. And what did that talk consist of? It was the same thing EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. and I quote "Angela could be a straight "A" student if she would only apply herself". Honest to God - ask my mom - she'll remember. It was the same message year after year after year. I did good on all those Iowa Basic Skills tests (with Vocabulary my highest ranking area - always WELL above average and math coming in last place) but I didn't like to study. I was okay with getting by without cracking a book. How stupid. The problem is I should have had to struggle a little bit more it was too easy - but live and learn - right? I was a puzzle to my teachers as I could do so well yet so pitifully. But really there was no big mystery - it all depended on if I liked what I was learning or not. If something engaged me enough I was all over it and acing tests and homework and all the rest (Genetics in High School Biology was my thing - LOVED IT - the teacher actually called me into his office one day and asked me how it was that I could be getting "A"s in the hardest section of the class - I just looked at him and said "because I like it" - come on is that so hard to understand? Oh and I can still give you the stats regarding blue eye/brown eye dominance and all of that - and you do know that green eyes are a fluke right - no gene for green eyes). Unfortunately for me, until college, school was primarily a social event, much to my parents frustration. Luckily I eventually learned that it was okay to be smart - and it was even something to be proud of along with being social :-) So, short story long :-) I'm glad that my girls are "hard little workers" because in today's competitive society and college driven job market it is more important than ever to get good grades and keep up with your homework. Okay, I'm off to hide my report cards. I don't want my kids ever seeing those grades :-(


1 comment:

Shirley said...

YAY for your girls! I have Hayley's teacher meeting this morning. I'll be holding my breath until after, too. LOL!