We have already experienced a ripstick wipe out. Skinned knee, skinned hands and a skinned chin. Of course the world ended and life as we know it halted for 10 minutes while Lauren wailed and contemplated her injuries making sure to cry harder each time a new scrap was found. She takes getting hurt very seriously. Luckily all is well and she was able to get up and get ready for school with no complaints.
The last day of school is on Friday and will conclude with the traditional all-school mass. I told the girls I wasn't sure I would attend because I know I will cry and I don't want to cry. They both insisted I attend and Syd proclaimed it the annual mom's crying mass. Maybe all the build-up and dread will short-circuit the tears - I can always hope.
Just rambling today. I'm going to try to get back in the swing of this blogging stuff and maybe find something entertaining to write about - we shall see...