I think I have mentioned this before - and if you know my mother you know it is true - but my mom can't stand things being the same for too long. She will wake up in the morning and decide that a room that was perfectly fine the day before needs to be repainted, or redecorated or rearranged or rewhatever. Seriously, she will decide to paint and have the job done before she has changed out of her pajamas. Me, I like to sit on things a little while. I HATE it when I don't think I have made the most perfect choice. That there may have been a better choice. That if I had it to do again I'd have made a different choice. Never mind that nothing has to be permanent, in my mind there is only chance - get it right or you're out (I know I know - it explains a lot). BUT sometimes, just sometimes I will do a major thing on a minor whim. Today was one of the days. I started out with the intention of REALLY cleaning the downstairs bathroom, as this is primarily the "guys" bathroom I usually let them do the cleaning - but their idea of clean and my idea of clean - vastly different. So while Alex and the HotY went to see some World War II B52 Bombers which were being showcased at our local airport I decided to tackle their bathroom. As I was spraying and wiping and disinfecting I noticed that the wallpaper was peeling in a corner. This is wallpaper which has been in place for approximately eight years. It's nice tasteful wallpaper - but wallpaper none-the-less and really, I was tired of it. So I started picking at that little corner and before you know it I had torn off an entire strip of wall paper. So I started on the next little corner - and BAM another strip of wallpaper gone. I was methodically working my way around the room, truly not thinking that much about what I was doing when the phone rang - it was the HotY wondering if I thought it was worth $850 to take a ride in a B52 Bomber - well of course it is not - Holy Bananas you had to call to ask THAT question??? So we got that business straight, I hung up the phone, took a step back and looked around the room. WOW, I had almost completely stripped all the wallpaper. And I did it on a whim. There was no pre-meditated thought involved. No second guessing. No wondering what the right color for the walls will be once the paper is removed. Nope, just tearing and admiring how much bigger the room looked without that green paper on the walls. This is just the kind of thing my mother would do, maybe I am a little bit like her after all - DO NOT TELL ANYONE!
TTFN... if you need me I'll be at Benjamin Moore trying to decide on paint - don't look for me anytime in the near future this could take awhile :-)
too funny! I never have that urge. Never.
Good luck paint hunting & on your bathroom make-over!
Maybe the work remodel is spilling over to your home? You would think you would want nothing to do with it at your own house! :-)
So funny. I feel the same way sometimes. My Mother thinks it's funny too when I tell her I see her in myself...Smiles~
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