My girlies are with my parents for the next few days. I miss them. I always think I want a little peace and quiet but when that happens - it is not all that. We had a girls night out last Friday and I got a few cute pictures of them while we were eating.

I love those sweet faces!
Crazy busy with signs, and work and getting ready for vacation. Maybe that is why I can't write. I have too much to do :-) But you know this blog thing - it's a great procrastination device - but don't tell anyone :-)
Oh, and I'm on Twitter now (amgrimm1). I KNOW. I have so little to say - but it has to do with Etsy. I can't explain it but really the Twitter thing - it wasn't my idea - REALLY! Trust me. And I'm not advising you to follow me because if you think this blog thing is lame I won't even get into the banality of the Twitter...
off to look for you on twitter :)
adorable pics of the girls!
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