I am back logged with sign orders - AGAIN. It is the funniest thing - I just get caught up with signs and just when I think I might be able to actually organize all my JUNK bam I get a bunch of orders - no one wants the darn ready-made stuff...
I just finished a big order for a store in California (so now I have signs in stores in Chicago, Atlanta and somewhere near LA) and several custom orders (including a baby name banner - Sofia Clementine - which was very whimsical - and you just know the mom has to be whimsical if she named her baby Sofia Clementine - it is a mouthful but something about it just makes me happy)

Anyway, I actually closed the shop for a very short time earlier this week - or was it earlier last week - I can't remember - the HoTY thinks it takes up too much of my time, but I really do enjoy the opportunity to be creative - sooooo as a compromise I have promised to limit the number of hours I spend doing this (which means I just have to give people longer deadlines to get their stuff) so I can spend a little bit more time with him. So far it is working okay, except - like now, when I'm really feeling the pressure to get things done. Luckily the kids are all gone this weekend (yes, it will be a date night tonight) so I can spend more time locked away with my scissors and paper (and Friday Night Lights Seasons I & II - LOVE Friday night lights - LOVE IT) and it isn't such a big deal.
Shoot and now I just remembered I was going to take the dog for a walk but I forgot and I already changed into my "work" clothes - which are NOT presentable for the neighborhood. Dang. This forgetting thing has been the theme for the week. The more crowded my mind becomes the more stuff I forget and lately my mind has been very crowded. Note to self: must remember to stop thinking...
Sorry for all the weird spacing - Blogger is being difficult today - sometimes I win and sometimes the computer wins - today it is the computer.
ETA - I didn't mean to make this sound all "oh Look at me and my pretty signs" - so if you read it that way that is not the way I meant it to sound.
really cute signs Angie!
love the creations!!!
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