It's a darn good thing that babies and puppies are cute because sometimes that is the only thing they've got going for them :-) Seriously, Autumn is doing well. She was sick once on the way home (on me - and just for the record every occupant of our home - with the exception of the HotY - has puked on me at least once - sometimes being a mom isn't all it's cracked up to be), she's pooped in the house twice and had several piddles but nothing too serious. I think we'll keep her :-) . Daisy the cat is seriously ticked off and gave her a big whop on the head but she'll get over herself soon. All in all we're having fun - but remind me - how long does this puppy stage last :-)
The puppy is adorable Angie...Hopefully she's more fun than trouble... and potty trains quick!
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