Anyway, we (the HotY and I) have an unwritten rule that neither of us ever leaves the house without kissing the other goodbye - no matter what - no excuses - not even if you're late, or mad, or have your hands full of stuff and kids pulling on your legs - the rule is a kiss before leaving. I'm usually the one running out the door and then being stopped short by the "aren't you forgetting something" reminder at which point I begrudgingly walk back upstairs (or downstairs depending on the current HotY location) and give the quick peck to which I get the eye roll in return and that eye roll usually ticks me off just enough to send me walking the other way. Come on, I'm just being honest here - this is marriage not Grey's Anatomy. Anyway, the HotY, he rarely needs the "aren't you forgetting something" reminder - but tonight he needed reminding and guess what I got - A PECK! WHAT? I mean it isn't like, you know, an episode of the aforementioned Grey's Anatomy but it's usually better than a PECK. Holy Bananas. So as I was standing there a little bit shocked and dismayed he left. I wasn't sure what to make of that so I started to clean up the kitchen but I felt - well - sad. I was just getting ready to shut off the light and go downstairs when the door from the garage banged opened, the HotY rushed up the stairs two at a time, gave me more than a peck, said "I should have sent the girls with my parents" turned around and left. I have no idea what exactly was going on through all of that or what he was thinking when he left and what he was thinking when he came back (although I do know what he was thinking when he left the 2nd time) but it caught me a little off-guard. So now I'm left here to ponder and feel a little lonely. I'd think that maybe this was his plan but it is just not in him to be manipulative, he is not a game player. What you see is what you get - no false pretenses. That's one of the things that first attracted me to him; self-confident yet modest - it's a good thing. Too bad I can't find a little of that for myself (I'll let you decide if I'm talking about self-confidence or modesty).
TTFN... don't forget to give your own HotY or WotY or Significant Other a kiss before walking out the door, you just never know what may happen.
HUGS! Sounds like a definite keeper for sure though!
that is a great "rule" to have...I still sneak a kiss on my boys (of course, when NOONE else is around)
Oh yes! He's a good one. Doesn't something so simple like that just make it worth it though?
Umm... when you're on the lady luck at Adventureland, don't you think you should call your cousins? That picture, while proving your point about the HotY, just busted you.
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