like my kids. Last night as I was lying in bed thinking of all the injuries my son could have suffered from his fall and how a dislocated elbow is pretty minor in the entire scheme of things I started thinking about my kids in general. Where would I be without my kids?

There is Alex. Who is stubborn and determined and clever and funny and loving and just good. Although his life is filled with obstacles, obstacles I can't even begin to imagine, he just keeps moving ahead. Never complaining, never feeling sorry for himself, never expecting anyone to make any exceptions for him. There are some who look at me and then look at my son Alex and I can see pity and sometimes disdain in their eyes. All I can think is "you really have no idea, no idea of the things you are missing by only seeing a disability and not seeing a person" because you know what - at the end of the day we all have a disability or two - some just aren't as obvious.
Then there is Sydney. I don't even know where to begin with this girl. She truly thinks that the world has great and wonderful surprises in store for her and she can't wait to discover all of them (especially the ones having to do with boys). Life is an opportunity for singing and dancing and rejoicing and sharing every thought that enters her mind. She has a HUGE crush on her 6th grade buddy and thinks that there would be nothing better than to tell him she loves him. In her mind how could he possibly not think it was the best thing to ever happen to him and it isn't really about her she just can't imagine that it isn't a good thing to "spread the love". The other day while talking to me she said "mommy please do not ever forget to kiss me when you leave in the morning because even though I'm still asleep I can feel it in my heart". I will admit she is a mommies girl.
And Lauren. She's my cautious sometimes subdued always thinking child. Lauren likes nothing better then to get the details and then figure it all out - and she will keep trying to figure it out until it all makes sense to her. I'm not sure if it is a logical mind or just a stubborn one :-) She is also a pleaser - checking in to make sure you are happy with her and what she is doing and she is always looking for ways to make others happy and is greatly empathetic (their teacher told me that Lauren was crying harder than Syd when Syd cut her chin). She's been very busy being a caretaker this weekend. She may sound serious on paper but in reality Lauren loves to laugh and she has a great infectious laugh and really the girl cracks herself up all the time. I love to listen to her go on and on about something barely able to get the words out because she keeps cracking herself up - what can I say she thinks she is witty and of course I think she is too!
So there you go. My thoughts about my kids this week. Sure it might be boring but really would you rather I go back to the whining and complaining???
sweet, beautiful pictures of your kiddos!
I love how you wrote about your children! They are marvelous!
It was a pleasure to meet you and all your children! I hope I am back in Roch sometime soon (but it won't be this year... darn travel restrictions).
S'up with you?
Angie...I think this is lovely. Was Alex really that little when the girls were born?! CRAZY!
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