Yes, we host Thanksgiving every year - but before you get all awestruck just let me tell you what my responsibilities are - POTATOES. That's it. Potatoes. The rest - my mom. My parents will show up early Thursday morning with turkey and stuffing, pumpkin and pecan pies and wine in tow. My sister will fill in with the rest and before you know it the preparation and cooking will begin and my kitchen will be a disaster. Unfortunately my brother and his family can't make it this year - my nephew has a basketball game the day after the turkey fun - who plans this stuff??? Anyway I digress, I do have a few more responsibilities than just potatoes but it isn't much when you think about a thanksgiving dinner. There is cleaning and dish washing (I never put my good china or crystal in the dishwasher) and I will have to brave the grocery store tonight (or tomorrow night) but as much as I hate grocery shopping I don't mind going this week. There is all the holiday hustle and bustle and people are cheerful and I usually run into at least a handful of people that I know. It will take me twice as long but that's okay I'm not taking kids and it's a bright, shiny, happy place (seriously, if you think it it's true). So I'm almost looking forward to it - almost :-)
Sooooo, we're finally to the topic I meant to cover at the beginning of this post - in the spirit of giving and thanking and all of that other gratitude stuff I am going to do a little giveaway. Leave a comment (and not just you "usuals" - I mean all your lurkers too) by midnight on 11/29 and I'll have one of my children randomly pick a number or name or whatever (remember me - I'm the one who is a little sketchy on the details - but it will happen) and someone will win this sign - you lucky duckies (LOL).
I know it's not the best picture but it is what it is (I've noticed that this (it is what it is) is the current "catch phrase" of the month. I've heard more people throw this out there lately and it is always in the context of being resigned to a situation. It seems like a lot of people I know amd care about are in turmoil right now *SIGH* I just want everyone to be happy...)
TTFN... have a wonderful thanksgiving filled with love, gratitude and many blessings.