Before I talk about thanksgiving and tree decorating I want to know one thing - Do your kids have ears? Because I swear to God that my children do not have ears - at least not when they need them. Sydney just came into the "tree room" (formerly known as the living room) with a beach ball. I told her she could not have any balls in the living room while the tree is up (or really any other time but some days I have to pick my battles) and of course I then had to explain WHY. I was sure she heard me. She looked at me very solemnly and nodded and uh-huh'd at all the appropriate times - all the signs of listening and then she dropped the ball on the floor and ran to the tree kicking the ball into the tree along the way - a perfect example of what I just told her NOT to do. (Oh My God - I'm moving out. Dennis just came in the living room carrying the BEACH BALL that was in the hallway. He wants to know what it is doing in the hallway.) Do you see why I am the way I am??? My family is driving me insane.
Anyway, we spent Thanksgiving with my parents. My parents have a pretty large house with several bedrooms. We usually pick the bedroom in the lower level (fine it's in the basement) because it's big - that and you can't hear the kids crying if they wake up in the middle of the night (insert Smiley). Anyway the trouble with the downstairs bedroom is the downstairs bathroom. Now really the bathroom isn't that bad as a whole but the SHOWER is another story. My parents have redone every room in their house at least three times, except the downstairs bathroom shower. It is a SMALL cubicle without an overhead light and it has a huge hole cut into the bottom because the drain doesn't work. My mother has put some kind of wooden bath mat things over it that pinch your feet when you stand in the middle. Oh and if you drop the soap and have to lean down to pick it up your butt will push the door open and cause water to puddle on the tile floor - not to mention the chill that runs up your spine. Really it's that bad - but it is convenient so I continue to use the Neanderthal era shower even though I hate it. That and the three panel mirror over the sink. Have you ever done your hair in a three panel mirror. It may look okay in panel one, two and three but get in front of a real mirror and look at it all together - not good! Oh and then there are the towels or what we fondly refer to as RAGS! You see the downstairs bathroom is my dad's territory. It is where he gets ready EVERY SINGLE DAY (I don't know how he does it - he must never drop the soap). Anyway when my mom gets new towels the old towels go to the downstairs bathroom for my dad to use. HUH? I KNOW! Holy Bananas man just apologize for whatever it is you did to warrant never getting to use a soft fluffy towel and suck it up - if not for yourself than do it for your visiting off-spring. I was very glad to get home to my own full-size shower and fluffy towels. Some times there is no place like home.

Oh and about the tree. We decorated the tree - it looks nice. What can I say? Three kids, 1 dog, 1 cat and lots of fragile ornaments. I feel lucky just to be sitting here right now!
And by the way, for Christmas we're staying in a hotel - I'm giddy just thinking about the quality bathroom time...
Anyway, we spent Thanksgiving with my parents. My parents have a pretty large house with several bedrooms. We usually pick the bedroom in the lower level (fine it's in the basement) because it's big - that and you can't hear the kids crying if they wake up in the middle of the night (insert Smiley). Anyway the trouble with the downstairs bedroom is the downstairs bathroom. Now really the bathroom isn't that bad as a whole but the SHOWER is another story. My parents have redone every room in their house at least three times, except the downstairs bathroom shower. It is a SMALL cubicle without an overhead light and it has a huge hole cut into the bottom because the drain doesn't work. My mother has put some kind of wooden bath mat things over it that pinch your feet when you stand in the middle. Oh and if you drop the soap and have to lean down to pick it up your butt will push the door open and cause water to puddle on the tile floor - not to mention the chill that runs up your spine. Really it's that bad - but it is convenient so I continue to use the Neanderthal era shower even though I hate it. That and the three panel mirror over the sink. Have you ever done your hair in a three panel mirror. It may look okay in panel one, two and three but get in front of a real mirror and look at it all together - not good! Oh and then there are the towels or what we fondly refer to as RAGS! You see the downstairs bathroom is my dad's territory. It is where he gets ready EVERY SINGLE DAY (I don't know how he does it - he must never drop the soap). Anyway when my mom gets new towels the old towels go to the downstairs bathroom for my dad to use. HUH? I KNOW! Holy Bananas man just apologize for whatever it is you did to warrant never getting to use a soft fluffy towel and suck it up - if not for yourself than do it for your visiting off-spring. I was very glad to get home to my own full-size shower and fluffy towels. Some times there is no place like home.

Oh and about the tree. We decorated the tree - it looks nice. What can I say? Three kids, 1 dog, 1 cat and lots of fragile ornaments. I feel lucky just to be sitting here right now!
And by the way, for Christmas we're staying in a hotel - I'm giddy just thinking about the quality bathroom time...
Glad you all made it home in 1 piece.
i don't think my stepson has ears. here's how the conversation goes in my house:
"don't slam the door when you go to the bathroom because the baby is sleeping. and don't slam the toilet seat, either."
two minutes later..."SLAM!" and "SLAM!"
wanna come do my tree? ;)
Your tree always looks so pretty!
Happy belated Thanksgiving!
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