Most of the time the faces in this picture are what I am thankful for but right now, at this moment the thankful thing is failing me. As I type I am listening to Lauren whine and cry for a Kleenex so she can indulge in her obsessive eye and nose wiping (and it isn't like she can't get her own Kleenex she would just rather that we, her subjects, get it for her not to mention I just gave her a napkin - it's the same difference - JUST USE THE DARN NAPKIN). So while the whining is getting louder Alex is chasing the dog around with the vacuum which causes her to bark frantically since she thinks the vacuum is a farm animal she should be herding into the barn and Sydney is somewhere with MY can of Diet Coke singing a song about drinking Diet Coke. I think what I would be most thankful for right now is QUIET!
Anyway, I really should be making Pumpkin Bread but I just don't think I would survive that whole experience right now. I'm not feeling much like a group event.
Okay this is what I am thankful for this year:
My dear husband who has his hands full with me but still loves me.
My children for just being who they are (really most of the time I mean this)
Good Friends
Great Neighbors (Hi Jan!)
A good job
Two cars in the garage
A nice house
Scrapbooking (if you laugh I'm taking my laptop and going home)
So that is my list. Not very original I know but I am thankful for the average, American life that I lead. I wake up every morning knowing that I am a lucky woman, if not a little boring - but really give me a margarita and I liven up! You wouldn't believe the things I say about Mario after a Margarita! (INSERT SMILEY)
Love the picture. Love the list. And you know I love lists! :)
Happy Thanksgiving Dear Friend!!!!
Love that photo of the kiddos!
biggest hugs-Peg
adorable picture!
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