So Lauren has feelings which become hurt very easily. She is the pleaser in the group and can get upset if she doesn't think her efforts have been noticed. Tonight, while playing a game (I think it is called Buzz Word) Lauren insisted she had previously said the category we were getting ready to play - something that no one could recall and no one could recall it because WE HAD NEVER PLAYED THE CATEGORY BEFORE. No matter how much we tried to convince her that we had not played this card she insisted that we had, finally disolving into tears and claiming we never remember anything she does or know anything about her - which was followed by the following facts which she claims we couldn't possibly remember about her like, what her favorite thing to do in the winter is and what her favorite color is and what she likes to do on stay home days and then her parting words "by tomorrow you won't even remember my name" put the HotY and I over the edge. We were laughing so hard tears were coming from our eyes. This probably didn't help matters and certainly did not win us any parent of the year awards but it was just so dramatic and if you know Lauren it is all about drama. If she hurts her foot she may never walk again, gets a hang nail and her finger might fall off, and let's not even get into the dire consequences if she bumps her head. So her parting words were just so-so-so--- Lauren. We finally stopped laughing long enough to reassure her that not only did we remember her name but we knew her favorite activities and her favorite color but I couldn't bring myself to claim we remembered playing the category she insisted we did - BECAUSE WE DIDN'T PLAY IT BEFORE and that is my last word. That girl - she can be so stubborn.
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