NO, that is not some veiled reference to the effect the rainy weather has been having on my psychie this weekend but a literal reference to the end of the 2009-2010 dance season. Man it seemed like it was a long time coming - good thing there are those cute costumes to keep mom's going :-) The girls performed Saturday evening, had a great time and did a great job. The grandpa and grandmas were in attendance as well as the HotY, Alex and I. The girls were happy to have a "full house". Here are a few shots from after the performances. I didn't get any of them in their ballet costumes as that was their first dance and we were a little rushed to get to the theater - like that's a surprise! As always you can click on the picture to get an enlarged view.

Oh and about that "near" disastrous accident we almost had a couple of weeks ago (sorry I kind of forgot I forgot to tell you the details)... The girls and I were on our way to do a little Saturday shopping and while on a busy road (in front of Walmart) I started to move into the turn lane in preparation for our turn onto the frontage road when the truck in the next lane cut over into our lane only inches away. I slammed on the brakes but was going fast enough that we went into a skid. I was sure we were going to make impact as I could see the chipped paint on the merging vehicle - seriously the truck was millimeters away. I swerved to try to avoid the impact - and somehow did! Although we slid down into a steep ditch. The truck stopped and we determined that no one was hurt and the vehicles were untouched but there was the dilemma of exiting the ditch - it was much too steep to simply drive out of and the traffic was heavy, so I made an executive decision and drove across the trail at the bottom of the ditch, maneuvered between the trees, jumped the curb and drove through the parking lot of a local business bordering the bike trail and exited onto the frontage road (by Walmart - I'm not saying anything in particular but you know - WALMART - is the area where this all happened - I'm just saying... :-))So it was a very scary experience. As soon as we settled at the bottom of the ditch the first thing I said was "we have a guardian angel" and the next thing "YOUR MOM IS AN AWESOME DRIVER". Actually the "what ifs of the situation get me more than the experience. The HotY pointed out that it is lucky the van didn't flip on the way into the ditch nor did we hit any of the multiple road signs along the way and most importantly, although we didn't quite make contact with the bike trail it was close and thankfully there was no one on that trail when we slid - for that I am very very very grateful. So there you go. It was close but all is well - thank you guardian angel :-)
1 comment:
Glad you are safe, and the girls look darling!!!!
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