We had a meeting with Alex's teacher a couple of weeks ago. During the course of the meeting she asked what we thought of Alex going to Prom. I was okay with it, although I really hadn't thought much about it before she said something. I figured we would definitely want him to attend next year but I just hadn't given much thought to this year. But before we knew it Alex was going to prom. There were a couple of girls in his regular ed art class that were excited Alex would be attending and included him in their group. Nice nice girls (the girl in the dark blue dress is Grace, who was the organizer and is amazing and beautiful - I'll be forever grateful to Grace).
Alex had a great time. The group of kids were wonderful and he looked like such a gentleman, although I have to admit, to me he looked like my little boy playing dress-up. I'm not sure my heart understands that he is a man (note to self - must let children grow up).
So here are the pictures (most of them straight from the camera so don't expect any superior camera skills).

That is so wonderful he was able to attend!!!!
Handsome man! Looks like a great time was had by all!
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