On the way back home from our various Wednesday night activities we stopped to pick up the dog. The kids and I waited in the car - all of them anxiosly peering out the back window waiting for our beloved Autumn to appear. And then it all broke loose. There was screaming and crying. I thought someone had slammed their finger in the door or some other tragic accident - and then I saw this...
And this:

Our dog. Our fluffy, happy, people loving puppy is is is - a weasel??? A rat? I just don't even know. The girls were seriously hysterical when they saw her. Lauren cries and carries on every time she looks at Autumn.
Oh Autumn, we are soooo sorry. But it will grow and you'll be all fluffy again soon. And I promise I'll never complain about your poodle cut again. You were a beauty with that look compared to the skin head "do" you're sporting now. Poor puppy...