The blog formerly known as Cupcake World (but now a whole lot more accurate since it is being honest with itself...)
Friday, December 31, 2010
Too much trepidation...
I know people become unemployed every day - I know I've had plenty of time to look for another job - I know many would tell me to straighten up, cope and deal - but I'm not ready. The strange fact is I didn't even realize I wasn't ready until today when I was reading someone's thoughts on the end of 2010 and my eyes started welling up and the tears started flowing and then I realized I'm not looking forward to 2011, I'm not ready. 2011 is too much uncertainty and unfamiliar territory and budgeting and soul searching and trepidation. Too much trepidation. I'm not ready.
TTFN... May your 2011 be filled with good things in familiar settings and not too much trepidation.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The most wonderful time of the year...
The follow-up edition. I love Christmas - I really do. I love the hustle and bustle and good cheer and pretty lights and Christmas trees in windows and little kids singing and shopping and wrapping and seeing family and sharing the love. What I don't love are the days following Christmas when the trees start coming down and the lights begin blinking off and the stores are filled with muddy foot prints and people returning the gifts that they just didn't like. There isn't so much good cheer as resentful impatience. And it's all happens so quick. One day everyone is hurrying and scurrying and the next they are trying to figure out what to do with all their old junk. I know it can't be Christmas every day but maybe once every six months???
Personally I won't be taking my tree and decorations down until New Year's Day so that leaves me six days to savor the season.
I'll just be over here - gazing at the tree and thinking about the memories of the season...
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Let the Festivus begin!
Along with the baking I have yet to wrap the majority of the presents to go under the tree and I never did make much progress on that Christmas card thing (I haven't given up on the dream - it could still happen). So I am hoping to accomplish much in the next two days - along with finding my Christmas spirit. The reason for the season has been totally lost on this soul lately. SIGH. I've had enough whine with my cheese so I won't even get into the cleaning I have yet to do before the present UNwrapping begins...
TTFN... May the Spirit of Christmas find it's way into your heart.
Monday, December 13, 2010
I haven't stepped foot outside of my home since Friday evening. I'm beginning to get a little stir crazy. That and as I was doing ANOTHER load of laundry I realized there is only one weekend left until Christmas and I now have an almost irresistible urge to venture out into the frozen tundra to complete my shopping. And really, how in the world does the time slip away from me every year? You would think after 40 something years of celebrating Christmas I'd get how the whole thing works. Not so much I guess.
Just a short post tonight. I wanted to include some pictures of the snow but I'm so sick of looking at it I couldn't bring myself to take a picture.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Well that snuck up on me once again...
Sooooo, if I am on your list do not cut me - I really didn't cut YOU from MY list - NO ONE has received cards from me - really, I promise. And I might even put together a little letter (note to people - I like the letters I really do so if you can send a letter do it - and a picture - a picture and a letter - that's the best Christmas card) just to let everyone know about our lives and the dog (it's always about the dog).
Okay gotta run. I've got places to go and things to do. But if you see me out and about please remind me I said I was sending cards this year. Really, I seem to keep forgetting...
TTFN... I found that card on Etsy - here: - Pretty cool!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
There's a mouse in the house...
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I wanna go home...
On the bright side - even out of the thousands who work here I did randomly run into two people I know (not involved with my own division) on my very first day. It was kind of like being the new kid in school and then finding a first friend. I even had someone to talk to while walking in the building.
I'd post pictures but I'm assuming there is a policy against such things.
My world has gotten bigger yet smaller and filled with rules - you know how I am about those rules - some stick and some not so much. I've got some work to do.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
It's been a bad day...
So in my self-indulgent vein I guess I'll talk about me - again. WOW surprised aren't you :-) Anyway, It has been a bad day. One of those days where I have been near tears all day long. Maybe it is the upcoming changes in my career life. Maybe it is the weather. Maybe it is the dream that I had last night that seemed so real I felt the loss when I woke up in the morning. Maybe it is thinking about what the future holds for my kids. But probably it is a combination of all the above. UGH.
I just deleted two paragraphs of blah blah blah. Even though I thought I wanted to talk I guess I really don't want to after all...
Sorry, let's try to get together again tomorrow. It will be a better day.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Another parental decision that didn't turn out quite as planned...
Tonight is the perfect example - with a point on it. Every other Sunday night we have family movie night. We find a great family movie, dim the lights, find blankies and cuddle buddies, place the pop and popcorn within easy reach and settle in for whatever movie extravanza is on the agenda for the night. Usually it is a Disney movie, or Hannah Montana or Barbie or some other animated flick. This week I picked the movie and hyped it up all day long. Marly and me. A movie about a dog, a funny movie about a dog, a funny movie about a dog with a personality which too closely resembles a dog we all know and love (and I'm not exactly comfortable about that). I knew it had a sad ending but I assumed we could all deal with that. It's life, life happens, not every ending can be a happy ending. Little did I know it would be heart wrenching, openly sobbing, throat closing sad. And the best part of it all - bedtime was supposed to follow. It was an event - sobbing children and a dog, wet from the tears which were shed all over her shaggy coat. If it wasn't a Sunday night I'd be having a cocktail. Next movie night it's back to kids choice. But the dog - she's very happy - tonight she walks on water (the cat is really ticked off).
Monday, November 1, 2010
A sneak peek...

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Random Thursday Thoughts...
So first, I have noticed there has been an epidemic of people calling me "Ang" lately. I'm not saying I mind but typically the "Ang" tag is usually thrown out there by people who know me well. People who are an immediate part of my life. People who I consider a friend and I assume feel the same way in return. BUT that being said, even among the intimate group there are some people to whom I have never become an "Ang". Angie yes, Angela sometimes, but the "Ang" thing just never seemed to come from their lips and I was fine with that - it's all a personal preference, although in the past week some of the "Angie" group of friends have actually started to become "Ang" callers. Again, I want to make it clear I don't mind at all, and typically it isn't such a big deal - but there have been a handful of people just this week (or maybe I just noticed it this week) who have begun calling me "Ang". It kind of makes me wonder what it is about. Has something about me changed. What? What changed me from "Angie" to "Ang" for them? It's a ponder...
Oh and on a tangent - here is a little trivia about me and my name. I used to HATE my name. HATE IT! I wanted to be Susie or Beth or Jennifer or Velvet (remember that doll with the plaid dress and "growing" hair) or anything but Angela or Angie. As far as I was concerned it was a bad name. But then somewhere along the line (and really I'm ashamed to say it probably wasn't until I was a young adult) I decided to embrace my name and love it. I didn't even realize it until one time during a doctor's appointment the young doctor asked me if I liked my name (while I was in the dressing room changing no less). Ffter I got done thinking "wow that is a weird out of the blue question to ask me while I'm changing my clothes" I said Yes and I realized I meant it. I liked my name. He then went on to explain he and his wife were expecting a baby and Angela was one of the names they were considering. At least it didn't seem quite so random then. I wonder what they named their little girl? I guess that will just have to remain up there as an unknown mystery just like the "Ang" thing (I don't think I have used quotations this much in my entire life).
Anyway, the other thing I feel a dying need to discuss is toothbrushes. This thought isn't quite as random as you would think as one of the columnists in our local paper was discussing the rules of toothbrushes - like no matter how immediate your connection sharing a toothbrush is pretty much off limits and I couldn't agree with her more. I just wish my daughters agreed because they seem to be under the impression that toothbrushes are equal opportunity household items. They have used my toothbrush, they have used each other's toothbrush, they have no sense of boundaries when it comes to teeth brushing. I've tried to talk to them. I've tried to buy different colored brushes. I don't know maybe it is a twin thing - but still - YUCK. USE YOUR OWN TOOTHBRUSH. Not doing so is gross!!!
Okay, that's it. My ramblings for a Thursday. Aren't you glad you stopped by - so much information in such a little space :-)
TTFN... have a good night.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Parenting - it's a hard job...
Sorry to be Debbie Downer tonight but I'm just feeling overwhelmed with life. I hope you understand.
Here's to a better day tomorrow...
Monday, October 11, 2010
I'll be putting this on the list of things I'll never do again...
Next time I went to have my nails "done" I threw caution to the wind and said give me a full set of acrylics. So she did - and she did a great job and the nails looked perfect. BUT once I had a full set I didn't like them. They were too thick at the tips and I couldn't use my nails as screwdrivers or scrubby pads any longer. I couldn't even give a decent scratch to a mosquito bite. So I had them taken off assuming my nails would go on as previously living. WRONG. My nails are ugly, and scratched up and weak and they hurt. I know - who knew? See where vanity got me? Sore nails. So acrylic nails - been there, done that - not doing it again. I've learned my lesson but I'm wondering how long it will take them to get back to normal - anyone???
And the real lesson in all of this is I have long nail beds (it's a good thing - long nail beds mean your nails never look short and stubby) so there was really no need for the acrylic nails other than the allure of PERFECT nails. From now on I'm settling for above average :-)
TTFN... take care of your nails - acrylic is NOT the answer
Sunday, October 10, 2010
It's an annual thing...
I'll get into more about the trip later this week. Tonight it is just the pictures. Oh and FYI - these pictures were taken with the iPhone. I think they turned out pretty well considering they were taken with a phone.

Saturday, October 9, 2010
About my daughter - what's her name...

So Lauren has feelings which become hurt very easily. She is the pleaser in the group and can get upset if she doesn't think her efforts have been noticed. Tonight, while playing a game (I think it is called Buzz Word) Lauren insisted she had previously said the category we were getting ready to play - something that no one could recall and no one could recall it because WE HAD NEVER PLAYED THE CATEGORY BEFORE. No matter how much we tried to convince her that we had not played this card she insisted that we had, finally disolving into tears and claiming we never remember anything she does or know anything about her - which was followed by the following facts which she claims we couldn't possibly remember about her like, what her favorite thing to do in the winter is and what her favorite color is and what she likes to do on stay home days and then her parting words "by tomorrow you won't even remember my name" put the HotY and I over the edge. We were laughing so hard tears were coming from our eyes. This probably didn't help matters and certainly did not win us any parent of the year awards but it was just so dramatic and if you know Lauren it is all about drama. If she hurts her foot she may never walk again, gets a hang nail and her finger might fall off, and let's not even get into the dire consequences if she bumps her head. So her parting words were just so-so-so--- Lauren. We finally stopped laughing long enough to reassure her that not only did we remember her name but we knew her favorite activities and her favorite color but I couldn't bring myself to claim we remembered playing the category she insisted we did - BECAUSE WE DIDN'T PLAY IT BEFORE and that is my last word. That girl - she can be so stubborn.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Awkward silence...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
So this is reality...
So as I briefly eluded to on this blog at an earlier date my job is not in a stable place right now. As a matter of fact my job will cease to exist as of January 31, 2011. I have known this for over a year. I have not done much of anything to secure another job. The fact is I just keep thinking things are going to turn out fine. My instinct keeps telling me not to panic. Last night I had a dream I actually looked for a job. This morning I woke up - my mind ignoring my instinct - PANIC!!!
I don't have to get a job immediately and maybe I can come up with some super creative idea to make my little Glitter Me! business more profitable and my friend Amy and I have a few ideas swirling around but the fact of the matter is - January 31 - it is almost here. What the heck am I going to do? Where is that darn pot of gold????? Where are my rose colored glasses - because really - seriously - Reality Bites!!!
TTFN - oh panic is a great motivator so if you have any job leads please do not hesitate to let me know.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
So I think it is safe to say I have a soccer player. Lauren had her first game of the season this morning and she was awesome if I do say so myself. She hustled and moved the ball and wasn't afraid to get in there and block. The girl is competitive and yet she is a good team player. All the makings of a good competitor. I was so proud of her today. Even with an aching head she kept at it - coming to the sidelines crying but still not failing to play her hardest. That's my girl!!!!! GO LAUREN!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The beginning...

Monday, September 6, 2010
Unto every life a little glass must break...
Since I am changing my color scheme with the new furniture I need new accessories and pictures. I shopped for accessory pieces on Saturday and bought this gorgeous shallow glass bowl which I displayed with another big pretty shallow glass bowl I already had. I had them on those plate holder things that hold them upright - I can't describe what I mean but I think you know - right???? Anyway, they looked awesome on the sofa table. Those I knew were keepers and perfect just as I had arranged them. Well you know what's coming right? Today, while I was cleaning the girls' room Alex was messing around in the living room - I'm not exactly sure what he was doing sometimes he just wanders and moves stuff around - and it happened - CRASH. I knew exactly what it was. I walked in the living room, the HotY flew up the stairs and I just walked back out. I wasn't dealing with it (I know - see how I am - sometimes I just walk away). Alex came in the bedroom and profusely apologized I said it was okay that I knew it was an accident and I just kept putting away clothes. Then Lauren, always the just say it like it is girl, came in and said "wow mom, I thought for sure you would be crying". I wasn't because you know what - it is what it is. The bowls are broken. Will I find something similar - yes to the one no to the other. Was it just stuff - yes. It did put a scratch my brand new table and that makes me a little sad but what can I do. I guess it has just been that kind of weekend. Sometimes you just can't fight what happens. Sometimes you just have to walk away and let it sit. Luckily for me someone else was there to pick up the pieces - but it doesn't always happen that way - but still you can let it sit for awhile and deal with it when you can. KWIM? Unto every life a little glass must break - or something like that. For today I'm not fighting and just accepting the broken glass.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I've created a monster or my dog is not dumb or I have no idea what today is....
Oh and on a side note - we took the cat to the groomer yesterday and they shaved her down so she looks like a different cat the dog thinks she IS a different cat - genius or monster - you decide...
Oh Bruce Springsteen is singing to me now - so much better than listening to the kids fights. Eat your heart out HotY.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Day Six...
Rambling. Not feeling too chatty. Mostly feeling wound up. I should probably quit while I'm ahead.
Have a good night. I may walk after all - it depends.
ETA - I did my walk - even further than usual. I can feel summer turning to autumn in the wind so I better soak up the season of sun while I still can.
Oh and BTW I really have never liked the name Cupcake World for this blog - I was coerced into changing it but as long as I'm on a roll of not accepting the status quo I'm changing it back - Crabby Deal - that's what it is. Hope people can still find me - besides all those that are googling Cupcake World looking for a pelethora of cupcake goodness but instead find me are going to be a lot less disappointed. You know I told you I was feeling rambly and quirky tonight so if you are still reading this unconnected diatribe you have no one to blame but yourself - but really, I'm glad you're still here :-)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Day Four...

- Slept in
- Bought Furniture
- Had A Heart-to-Heart with the HotY
- Had A Date Night
- Went for a Moonlight Drive
The Dog is Pouting - No Walk - sorry pup but every dog has their day and today was not yours.
So I have no idea what I am doing with this numbering of the days. Day one was supposed to be an indication of - well I'm not sure what. Day One I guess. So for right now I'm just going with it. I know you might not like it but really it's my blog and I can write how I want to :-)
The series of pictures at the top is exactly why I bought new furniture today. Besides I told you this was coming awhile ago - who knew it would have taken so long - but then again - I just have to walk into my downstairs bathroom and it's unfished state and I am reminded that things around this house - they happen in stages - that's all I'm saying.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Day Three...

- Dog Walked
- Laundry started
- Time alone enjoyed
Okay well that time alone thing was good until about 9:00 p.m. after I got back from walking the dog. I'm lonely. The HotY should be home about midnight. I'm glad - but please don't tell him - no need for him to have this information :-)
I was looking for something in my photo files and came across a bunch of pictures the girls had taken with their camera. I'll save the Barbie parties and WebKinz group shots for another day. The picture above was taken by Sydney - I actually love it and I love seeing the things they are up to when they think no one else is watching. It makes me smile.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Day Two...

Well there was work and a doctor's appointment and meet the teacher and a two hour drive to drop the girls off for a weekend with grandpa and grandma and then there was supper with Alex and arranging respite care for Alex for the weekend and laundry. BUT there was no walking. I know there is still time but I don't know that it is going to happen tonight. Besides the dog is tired - she went to the dog park today. But tomorrow - tomorrow I am all alone. All kids - OUT. The HotY - attending a concert in the cities with some friends. Me - HOME - HOME ALONE. Can I get an ALLELUIA! Really, just one, for me. I haven't been home alone home alone in a long time. Right now it feels good. Don't get me wrong I love them all but sometimes distance - it's a good thing (don't even pretend you don't know what I mean). So tomorrow night it's the dog and I. We'll have a walking date under the stars in the moonlight - I just know she is going to love it!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Day one...
I used to be a walker. I walked every day. I loved walking. It helped me think and clear my head. It allowed me to admire the beauty of the trees and flowers and sun and stars. It made me feel like I was doing something for myself. It was my time and no one else could intrude - unless I let them. And then I forgot, I forgot all these things I liked about walking and I quit doing it. Sure we do the occasional family walk but I had forgotten my solitary walks until tonight. I just decided to do it, I wanted to do it. It was a beautiful night and the dog was bugging everyone so I put on my shoes grabbed the leash and headed out the door - just me, the dog and my iPod. And guess what I enjoyed myself and I remembered, I remembered how much I liked this feeling and tonight was a bonus as it was a beautiful night, just the right temperature with a full moon (or nearly full) to guide my way. The only down side was the mosquito's thought I was a tasty treat when I stopped at the park for a couple of minutes to mess with my iPod. I HATE mosquito's.
So I'm calling this DAY ONE. Tomorrow when I don't feel like walking I'll have to come back here and remind myself how much I liked it tonight. I'll let you know about day two.