The sixth birthday celebration has been going on for nearly as many days as there have been years.
Saturday we had the friend birthday which included 20 out of the 21 friends from their Kindergarten class (really it SOUNDED like a great idea). Fun was had by all - there was bouncing and cake and ice cream and balloons and presents. Today there were birthday treats to bring to school, presents from Alex and the HotY and I and dinner at the restarant of their choice. Tomorrow is the birthday celebration with the grandparents complete with MORE cake and ice cream and burgers on the grill - oh and presents of course.
I'm so dang tired (I think I'm still trying to recover from Saturday) so I'll leave you with the pictures for now. There are some great pictures from the bouncing party but I don't feel like I can post pictures of other kids without parental permission - so for now you are stuck with looking at my kids - AGAIN!

Oh and look at thise babies at the top of the page - is it any wonder I still get the baby itch every now and then - and no it ISN'T an option I'd seriously consider - I'm just sayin'
Man, those were some parties! LOL!
WOW! I'm impressed and you are very courageous for having a party like that. I'm a mean stingy mum and limit all parties to the bare minimum :D.
The girls are gorgeous and I think we must all get that baby itch from time to time.
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