I had big plans for today. I took the day off in anticipation of a day on my own - the last full Friday before the end of the school year. I was going to shop and meet a friend for lunch and start cleaning out closets for the garage sale we are going to have on a yet to be determined date in June. I had a lot to get done. And then, around midnight, I heard the coughing and crying begin. The coughing was not from a cold but from impending throw-up! And so it began. Syd came down with the flu. I should have suspected she wasn’t feeling the greatest when she asked me to snuggle with her after supper last night and she actually fell asleep. So the plan for the day was slightly altered with me taking care of a sick Syd. If it weren’t for the flu symptoms that hit her intermittently throughout the day you would never know the girl was sick. Seriously, there is not much that slows her down – ever. We had a WebKinz party, watched the dance recital DVD, talked about having our nails done, headbands that won’t slip off her head and why red is her favorite color (let’s just say it has something to do with a certain sixth grader whose name begins with a “W”). I accomplished absolutely nothing but I did enjoy time with my daughter – well when she wasn’t in the bathroom anyway.