my nephew Jordan. I mean I love all my nephew’s but, Jordan, he’s one of a kind.
He’s a good sport (willing to wear sparkly dance clothes and “marry” Syd to make her happy

He’s a good guy and treats girls like they should be treated.
He’s got a good sense of humor – he and I can laugh together for hours.
He’s not too cool to still love his mom and to tell her.
He’s a pretty good driver (even if he did almost take out their garage door when I let him drive my van.
He’s my nephew - I can’t help but love him – but I would anyway – related or not.
Yes, we spent Easter at my parents. Yes, I got to spend some bonding time with my sister and her boys (Jordan and Austin). Yes, Jordan and I took a little road trip. No, he (Jordan) would not stop and let me chat with his girlfriend (I have no idea what he was afraid of :-)).
Yes, there were Easter Egg Hunts and Easter Baskets (pictures tomorrow). Yes, it was a nice holiday. Yes, we all ate far too much. Yes, the diet is back on…
No, I have no idea why this post is formatted the way it is but I tried and I can't fix it.
awwww, what a sweetie!
Sounds like you had a wonderful family-filled holiday! Lucky you. Ü
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