Did you see Conan O'Brien's last show tonight? If so then you understand why he is on my list. Sure, he may have red hair and glaringly white skin but he is funny and he seems to be a very humble and appreciative person. Make me laugh and make me think and play nice and you are almost guaranteed an in with me :-) So for all of you (Amy) who questioned my placement of Conan on the list - watch the last show - it's got to be on You Tube somewhere - oh and while you are searching that out try to find the video of his trip to Finland - that show made me laugh until I cried. Seriously.
I know this was sooo just out there. No rhyme no reason. But really I have been thinking and thinking and thinking that I should find something to write about as I haven't written in a while but when I try to put words to paper I come up with NOTHING! I want to write but nothing is coming. No flow. It's frustrating. I know I have things to say but still - nothing. So this is what you get - my idolization of Conan O'Brien - and you thought I had it bad for my Marvelous Mario :-)
Oh, one other totally random thing to go with the rest of this totally random post... I was talking with a friend the other day and I used the word "rote" he had no idea what I was talking about and made me show him the word in the dictionary since he didn't believe me when I said it was a real word and I had used it correctly. Do you know what the word rote means? And what about orthogonal? Do you know the meaning of this word (without looking it up)??? Can you use it in a sentence? Hey, what can I say, words (and my hair) are my thing... :-)
Come on now, I would never question the list!!! I missed his last show and I love Conan. I may have to find it on YouTube to see what I missed.
I remember first seeing the word, 'rote' when my son's teacher commented on a report card ... "His actual thinking skills are much better than his rote skills - he needs to practice those multiplication tables." And of course I had to go and look it up in a dictionary.
So, there you have it! Memorization!!!
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