To a clean getaway. I had a dentist appointment yesterday – just a cleaning - but between the noise of someone getting their teeth drilled and the smell it might as well have been a root canal – the anxiety was the same. Regardless, off I went in the pursuit of bright shiny chompers (sure I had cancelled six times before I actually showed up and my six month cleaning turned into a year cleaning but hey it’s all about anticipation and besides I have naturally clean teeth - seriously).
Once in the chair I was fine and the hygienist chick did her thing and then Ms. Dentist came in and we had the little chit-chat catch-up (mostly about kids and how I want the teeth cleaning/manicure option. They don’t offer it yet but I keep trying. I’d even bring my own polish). Anyway after all the formalities were taken care of she looked at my teeth, praising and poking and was just getting ready to call it a day when something caught her eye “oh you have a little chip missing from a filling” (well that’s nice – but it is not hurting anything and I am NOT getting it fixed because a little chip means let’s replace this whole dang filling – um let’s not) “AND it’s sticky which means there must be a little decay” (oh goodie for me) “let’s get that fixed” (sure, I'm right on that). So I said “okay but you know I’m going to put it off for at least a couple of months because that is just the way I do it” she laughed but then said “November is the limit” (guess she knows me and my boundary issues – no boundaries given? That’s fine but I’m going to keep pushing until I find them or as long as I can get away with making my own boundaries). So I have an appointment in November – I may end up cancelling, I’d hate to disappoint the appointment lady, whom I know personally and she has come to expect certain things from me – like at least one cancellation before I walk in the door. I’ve got a couple months to think about it and decide :-)
So, I almost made it – I almost made it out the door with all my current teeth and fillings in tact and little money out of my pocket – so so so close – yet so far away!
That’s it - I’m off, I’ve got a new toothbrush and mint flavored dental floss - life is good…
Let me give you a gift...It will seriously make going to the dentist fun...nitrous oxide! I am never having anything done at the dentist again without my new favorite drug. It's way better than the cleaning/manicure option! Try it...I wouldn't steer you wrong!
I totally know how you feel!
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