off to begin their first day of school. Kindergarten began today - it was a short day and there is no school tomorrow but next week the real deal begins! AND I didn't cry! I KNOW! But you know I am more of a cryer before or after something but when I'm in a moment I'm in a moment and just kind of go with the flow - KWIM? I know it's kind of weird - I mean if I see someone else's moment (babies being born, birthday's being celebrated, graduations, weddings etc) I'm weeping all over the place - but when it is happening to me personally - at that moment - not so likely to cry. I'm weird what can I say. Anyway, today was a big day! And now the journey begins.

Oh my gosh...for cute! I love that little barrette in L's hair. Do you think she might borrow it to me if I grow my hair out? :-)
I can't believe our babies are going to school. We'll blink and then we will be at their graduations!
Cute! ...and yes, Amy, it will seem like the blink of an eye - trust me!! My boys start Tuesday - both will be in middle school this year!
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