Okay so I had this great idea that I would craft some things and open an Etsy shop. For the past three weeks I have been working on items to put into the shop. My craft room is a mess. Every flat surface is covered. I've got glitter in my hair. And every night I have the same second thoughts and plaguing doubts.
What if no one likes my stuff? What if they think the quality is bad? What if it doesn't sell? What was I thinking?
It really shouldn't be a big deal because it isn't like I have invested hundreds of dollars into these projects - although I have invested hundreds of hours.

So I don't know quite what I am going to do yet. And the Etsy thing, when I think about it, is really just an illustration of my chronic procrastinating when I am on the verge of putting myself out there regardless of the situation. I mean really, what if it doesn't work? What if I am a failure? What if I offend someone? What if someone rejects me, doesn't like me, scoffs at my ideas? Those are the fears that hold me back, that become greater than the anticipated success. Ugh.
Sooooooooo, as far as this Etsy thing is concerned I'm just going to do it and hope that people realize that my items are handcrafted and not machine made perfect and that I'm a beginner and learning as I go. Who knows - my embracing this one little thing and just doing it instead of throwing it away may start an entirely new phase in my life - or maybe I'll just make a couple of bucks...
Yeah, I understand the etsy thing!
So, yeah...if you really think about it all of the things you've mentioned have already happened to you at one time or another. They've happened to everybody. And you're right...they may happen again...and then again...they might not. You might as well go for your dreams...no one else is going to do it for you..."Run free little Bob!" :-)
geez, where have I been?!?!? didn't know that you're on the Etsy wagon! cute stuff though!
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