my dad has his surgery. I'm leaving in the morning and will be there before he goes into surgery. That's the plan anyway and that's as good as done because when it comes to big stuff like this - not late! I'll be glad when this is all over and done. Seriously.
So I'm sure there won't be any updates while I'm gone. I know, I'm sorry but you know sometimes we all have to make sacrifices :-)
You know someone, somewhere is reading this for the first time and do you know what they are thinking - they are thinking that I'm an ass :-) IT'S NOT TRUE I PROMISE. It's all self-effacing - really.
Okay just needed to get that off my chest.
So that's it for me tonight. Just because I want to leave you with a little something here are my recent layouts. Hey it's something...

i hope the surgery is a complete success angie...good luck and post when you can!
P&PT for the surgery! LOVE the new layouts!
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