So you may be asking yourself what wonderful and exotic plans I have for vacation. Well the answer is NOTHING. Yes, I said nothing. The Hubby of the Year (HotY)is working today and tomorrow, the girls are at daycare, and Alex and I are spending some quality time together - which so far has consisted of him leaving any time I come into the room. I love teens :-) Oh, and the 4th of July - well not only is it a public holiday but it is the personal holiday of the "HotY" and I. Yes, we will be celebrating FIFTEEN years of wedded bliss. I'm not sure what we will do to celebrate but whatever it is it won't happen until the weekend. Oh and did you notice that HotY of the year acronym? Now THAT makes me smile.
And lest you think my life is all email and scrapbooking :-) - last Saturday we went to a local park and small (think very small) zoo. The kids had a blast and Alex even got kissed on the ear by a calf. Of course I wasn't really thrilled about that (what if that cow had germs) and now I have an obsessive need to check everyone for ticks several times a day but still it was fun and I got some good pictures.

Okay I'm done. I know I'm boring today but haven't I told you that every day won't be a golden nugget of wisdom :-)
Oh and I scrapped SO I'll show you what I've got!

Looks like the perfect weekend for you and your family!
15 years of wedded bliss! Good for the two of you. I heard that Amy wanted to take the kids for the weekend so you and HotY can go and experience what only happily married couples can, go out to dinner and have nothing to talk about!
Haven't you heard about the mouths of calves? Being from IOWA I woulda thought you would be up on the all the facts. I know how you tend to worry and fret so I will not bore you with the details. Still waiting for the rsvp for the BD party. tt
LOVE the layouts!
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