Busy week. We have May Baskets to deliver and gymnastics and dance recital practice and swimming, and a house to clean, and a birthday party to plan, and I have a haircut – which my hair is totally aware of since it looks better today than it has in a month! Seriously, I like busy weeks but don’t tell anyone.
So about those May Baskets. Did you deliver May Baskets when you were a kid? And did you do it anonymously? We used to go to the door, put the Dixie cup on the porch, ring the doorbell and RUN! It was so much fun. I like May Day better than Halloween. Oh, and my mom would always pop popcorn and fill the cups half full with it before we added candy. I hated that. I mean really who likes stale popcorn. But everyone did it. It made the candy go further or something. Just like sometimes she would add oatmeal and egg to the hamburger before making patties. YUCK! Although I do think people were thriftier in the 70’s. All that fuel conservation and all :-)
Okay that’s it for today.
ANGIE! It is SO nece to see your happy little cupcake self on this blog thread! How I have missed you!
I LOVE the may day baskets....something I think I will start next year, when we are HOPEFULLY in a new neighborhood.
Hoping you are well, I haven't blogged in a bit, but DID add some pics from Dianey a few days ago...
Anyway, thinking of you (as always!)
oh, and, I was drooling over Mario too...He is such nice eye candy...how I miss seeing him strut his tuff every week! Mario in tight pants is ALWAYS a nice way to end the night!
Now if we could get Rob Lowe on that DWTS! I would even watch. :)
We used to make May Day baskets in Sunda School and then go out and deliver them. Hmmm...maybe we will have to do this next year. Or maybe JuneDay baskets!
Had to laugh about the good hair day. That always happens to me too. Never fails.
I totally remember the May basket thing! My mom used to make them for us when we were super little... She tried filling the bottoms with trail mix before she added candy. Hated that too. This year, I was bound and determined to make and deliver May baskets. Then, I thought about making some for my family and posting a picture on my blog. Then, I thought about finding *pictures* of May baskets online that inspired me... Yeah, since it's May *second* now, you can see how far I went with THAT. Sheesh.
cute, cute, cute!
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