Notice the NON-Matching EVERYTHING and the uncombed hair. This is a chick ready to hit the town. And she is VERY proud of her clothing choice. I'm envisioning the future and it is not looking good. Does she not know that her mother has NEVER in her entire life, even as a toddler, worn an outfit that does not match? Seriously, it's true. While my brother and sister were experimenting with that stripes with plaid thing (and there are pictures to prove it) I wouldn't even have considered such a combination. I know what matches - no Garanimals needed. But it seems that Syd did not inherit the "match" gene. Oh well I guess things could be worse and she could refuse to wear clothing at all - now that would be a problem...
Shoot I can't remember what the question was from the other day. It seems like it had something to do with a TV show. What was it. I mean, yes I could look but then I would have to save this as a draft and close out of posting and then go into viewing and look at the question then sign back into posting and pull up the draft and add the answer - it just seems like WAY TOO MUCH WORK. But I'm still trying to remember on my own. Hmmmmm. Give me a minute - it will come to me... Still thinking... It's on the tip of my tongue... Dang it I had to go back and look, I just couldn't call up the super memory powers today. The answer: Three Men and a Baby!
And after all that I'm not posting a question today. I've looked at over 30 questions and none of them are blog worthy - so no question for you!
Maybe she's trying to start a new trend?!?!? ;)
Yep, I know that's what would happen at our house...actually, maybe Bri would step up to the plate & help Mags out!
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