So I don't typically write a lot about Alex - I'm not any less proud of him but Alex is a creature of habit and a man of few words. A typical conversation with him goes something like this: "Hi Alex.
Hi Mom. How was school?
Good How was lunch?
Good. What did you have?
Baked Potato. What do you want for supper?
McDonalds No. What else do you want for supper?
McDonalds. Alex we aren't having McDonalds. What about chicken?
McDonalds. Alex.
Yes mom. I love you.
Oh mom. Silence and then
McDonalds". As you can see he is a man who does not see the value of idle chit chat, say what you mean and move on. BUT last night I asked him to clear the table (I KNOW - what terrible parents - we give our kids jobs) and handed him my plate. He looked at the plate, looked at me, looked at the plate again and then looked me straight in the eye and said
Pain in THE butt. Took the plate and walked away. I looked at Dennis, Dennis looked at me and I really could not help but laugh - which I did not want Alex to see because I didn't want to encourage him to call people a pain in the butt but really it was so darn funny. I guess maybe you had to be there - but really, funny. It was funny stuff - trust me.
TTFN... and I don't care what Alex says I am NOT a pain in the butt :-)