The HotY just called me a little bit ago and said the girls told him we were late for swimming lessons yesterday - which we were - but by the time we got home last night I had forgotten about it. Now it isn't unlike me to be late for some things but for appointments, lessons, etc, I'm usually on time. Not that I haven't been rushed to get there on time, cursing every 40 mph driver on the road when the speed limit is clearly posted at 55 mph, but that's another story. Anyway, I had allowed ample time to get to swimming lessons, I really had. I started getting things ready about 4:25 - that's 35 minutes to get to the pool on time BUT THEN the phone rang and it was a good friend who I haven't really chatted with in some time - so I finally had to say I had to go but I would call later. It's 4:35 - I still had to find leotards. I tore out of the house and jumped in the van to pick the girls up from daycare. They were ready - I wasn't - they told me I was not there on time (when did this sassy thing start and WHO taught them to tell time?) I was like all "oh we'll be just fine" until I looked at the gas gauge and noticed it said we have four miles to drive until EMPTY. Running out of gas may have been part of my past but with a van, busy city traffic and two five year olds in booster seats in the back - running out of gas is no longer an option! So I made a detour to a gas station - a gas station unfamiliar to me as I picked the closest location with easy exit options since we were heading into 5 p.m. traffic - it wasn't my usual gas place. But I got to the station, pulled up to the pump, swiped my card hoping it was going in the right direction since there wasn't a picture or even an arrow to tell me if I was doing it right, said no receipt and started pumping. I put my $10 in (hey we were behind schedule) and went to put the nozzle back and that gas flipper thing would not go down. I always just nudge it with the nozzle and presto - it flips down - but this flipper thing was having none of that. I gingerly nudged it with my fingers (I hate to touch those things - it gets gas on your hands - YUCK) still no go, I tried the nozzle nudge again - NOTHING. Grrrr. Finally I just pushed on the darn thing - HARD and it clicked down. I hung up the nozzle and darted back into the van. I drove out of the station wondering if soon a cop would be following me because maybe that gas flipper thing didn't want to go down because my card didn't work right and the gas hadn't really been paid for and I didn't have a receipt to verify I paid for it and now I might actually be doing a drive-off - from the gas station. I drove past the station slowly just in case someone was going to come running out and flag me down but nothing happened so I figured I was safe. Once I was back on the main road I did one more glance in my side mirror to make sure there weren't any cops hard on my tail - which there weren't BUT what did I see but my gas cover thing open and my gas cap hanging out and banging itself into the side of the van. DANG IT! I'm one of those people - one of those people you see driving down the highway oblivious to the fact that they forgot to close their gas cap. That was me - IDIOT! Soooo luckily the light for the highway exit turned red - I jumped out, screwed on the gas cap, closed the door thingie and jumped back in the van and then answered the 20 questions about why I got out of the van and how did I make the light turn red so I could get out and what's a gas cap and where is our usual gas station and what happens when we are late for swimming lessons. It was very enjoyable - HA! We FINALLY got to swimming lessons - 15 minutes late for a 30 minute class. Well at least they got to do the back float and get the dive sticks. Oh and just to make the day complete - from swimming lessons we were to head directly to gymnastics - which was good, I mean I had their leotards and everything but what I didn't have was a brush for the wet hair or panties for the wet bottoms. NICE. I made them put their leotards on anyway, finger combed their hair and begged them not to tell anyone they weren't wearing panties -- for once they kept quiet :-)
So there, that's why we were late for swimming lessons and I've pretty much stopped obsessing about the gas drive-off thing because if my card hadn't worked I'm sure I would have seen my friendly, local officer of the law by now - right?
The blog formerly known as Cupcake World (but now a whole lot more accurate since it is being honest with itself...)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
I am in a creative rut - probably because my work room is such a MESS. If you saw the room you would totally understand why I capitalized MESS because it is no little mess it is a HUGE MESS. Ugh ugh ugh!!!
Yes, I'm procrastinating by writing this. Procrastinating cleaning up the mess, procrastinating working on custom orders, procrastinating... I always know when I am totally overwhelmed or not sure what the next step to take will be because I procrastinate. It's not an effective use of my time. I suppose now that I've identified the problem I should probably do something about changing - SIGH.
Okay I better get back to it. I just needed to step back for a minute and take a breath. I may be here again before the night is over - it really depends on how this cleaning thing goes :-)
Yes, I'm procrastinating by writing this. Procrastinating cleaning up the mess, procrastinating working on custom orders, procrastinating... I always know when I am totally overwhelmed or not sure what the next step to take will be because I procrastinate. It's not an effective use of my time. I suppose now that I've identified the problem I should probably do something about changing - SIGH.
Okay I better get back to it. I just needed to step back for a minute and take a breath. I may be here again before the night is over - it really depends on how this cleaning thing goes :-)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The only other sign of wild life we encountered...
on our trip to the zoo were the butterflies during our visit to the Butterfly House. There were butterflies everywhere.

The kids were very disappointed that there weren’t any butterflies landing on them until Alex started tugging on my shirt in an urgent way and saying “mom mom mom” and when I looked there was an ugly, brown, big, moth-like looking butterfly sitting on my shoulders with wings closed.

My kids went nuts. The butterfly was a Blue Morph and the thing about this ugly butterfly is that it isn’t an ugly butterfly at all but really one of the most beautiful butterflies in the Butterfly House for when it opened it’s wings they were the most beautiful shade of glistening jewel-like blue. Who knew the beauty that the plain, brown, moth-like exterior was hiding.

We never did get a picture of this beautiful butterfly with wings open (the picture above is one I found in Google Images) as there were only a few of this species and they were all busy flitting about. Well all of them except the one taking up residence on my shoulder. And that butterfly did not want to leave – seriously – I shook my shirt, the kids blew on her, I shook my shirt some more and yet she hung on. Finally the HotY gave a big gusty blow and she flew off showing us her brilliant blue wings. Really.
So here’s the thing – if you’ve been keeping track you already know I’m quirky so I’m just going to put it out there – I think Ms. Butterfly picked me on purpose and she is my reminder that all beauty is not apparent and it really is what is on the inside that counts and makes a lasting impression.

So as I begin a new journey to bettering my health and strengthening my body I’m going to remember the butterfly that opened her wings and showed her beauty. I know, I know sometimes I can be so over the top but I really do believe that butterfly picked me – and I didn’t have to use my Super Special ESP to make it happen :-)

The kids were very disappointed that there weren’t any butterflies landing on them until Alex started tugging on my shirt in an urgent way and saying “mom mom mom” and when I looked there was an ugly, brown, big, moth-like looking butterfly sitting on my shoulders with wings closed.

My kids went nuts. The butterfly was a Blue Morph and the thing about this ugly butterfly is that it isn’t an ugly butterfly at all but really one of the most beautiful butterflies in the Butterfly House for when it opened it’s wings they were the most beautiful shade of glistening jewel-like blue. Who knew the beauty that the plain, brown, moth-like exterior was hiding.
We never did get a picture of this beautiful butterfly with wings open (the picture above is one I found in Google Images) as there were only a few of this species and they were all busy flitting about. Well all of them except the one taking up residence on my shoulder. And that butterfly did not want to leave – seriously – I shook my shirt, the kids blew on her, I shook my shirt some more and yet she hung on. Finally the HotY gave a big gusty blow and she flew off showing us her brilliant blue wings. Really.
So here’s the thing – if you’ve been keeping track you already know I’m quirky so I’m just going to put it out there – I think Ms. Butterfly picked me on purpose and she is my reminder that all beauty is not apparent and it really is what is on the inside that counts and makes a lasting impression.

So as I begin a new journey to bettering my health and strengthening my body I’m going to remember the butterfly that opened her wings and showed her beauty. I know, I know sometimes I can be so over the top but I really do believe that butterfly picked me – and I didn’t have to use my Super Special ESP to make it happen :-)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
We're going to the zoo zoo zoo...
well that is the song we were singing yesterday anyway. We decided, on a whim, to take the kids to an amusement park/zoo in the Big City for the day.
And THIS was the only animal we saw

The lack of animal viewing was all because of these - amusement park rides. Once the kids saw them in the park the zoo animals were forgotten. Well until it was too late to look at animals of course – then they were all sad they hadn’t seen the animals. – ahhh there is nothing like disconsolate children to end a day :-)

Lauren was a little reluctant to ride on anything at first but then lightened up and embraced her adventurous side.a>

Of course she who loves to live on the edge was all over everything. I was impressed with the way she followed the traffic rules while driving the electric kiddy cars - she did keep running into walls and curbs but at least she obeyed the stop signs. Driver’s Ed should be a fun experience.

Once we got home and the kids settled into bed we watched a little TV, The HoTY gave it up about 11:30 and went up to bed and I had every intention of being there shorty but then it started - Terms of Endearment. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen this movie but I get sucked in every single time I happen to land on it while channel surfing. The ultimate chick flick. And of course I went to bed sobbing – I KNOW! It isn’t like I don’t know how it’s all going to end – but from the moment she has her kids come to her hospital room until the end of the show I am sobbing like a baby. I can’t help myself. It’s so sad and no matter how many times I watch the ending is never happy – SIGH – but I keep hoping.
All in all a good day was had by all and everyone slept until 9:30 this morning - WooHoo!
Okay, that’s it. I’m out. Tonight I’m going to bed – early. No sad movies. Seriously!
And THIS was the only animal we saw

The lack of animal viewing was all because of these - amusement park rides. Once the kids saw them in the park the zoo animals were forgotten. Well until it was too late to look at animals of course – then they were all sad they hadn’t seen the animals. – ahhh there is nothing like disconsolate children to end a day :-)

Once we got home and the kids settled into bed we watched a little TV, The HoTY gave it up about 11:30 and went up to bed and I had every intention of being there shorty but then it started - Terms of Endearment. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen this movie but I get sucked in every single time I happen to land on it while channel surfing. The ultimate chick flick. And of course I went to bed sobbing – I KNOW! It isn’t like I don’t know how it’s all going to end – but from the moment she has her kids come to her hospital room until the end of the show I am sobbing like a baby. I can’t help myself. It’s so sad and no matter how many times I watch the ending is never happy – SIGH – but I keep hoping.
All in all a good day was had by all and everyone slept until 9:30 this morning - WooHoo!
Okay, that’s it. I’m out. Tonight I’m going to bed – early. No sad movies. Seriously!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Sale in the Shop!
Sorry for the shameless self promotion. If you are offended move along - I'll be back to my normal whining and complaining tomorrow :-) If you are still here take a look - all signs are 25% off my current pricing (price listed reflects the sale price). If you are interested in seeing more please click here: Glitter me!

And as always your ideas and suggestions are always welcome.
Monday, July 7, 2008
And the sun shone on everyone...
The weather over the 4th of July holiday weekend could not have been better. It was perfect. Sunny, warm, fabulous!
We made the Pioneer Woman 4th of July cake.

The kids did the decorating and took their jobs very seriously

well some of them did anyway...

We made the Pioneer Woman 4th of July cake.

The kids did the decorating and took their jobs very seriously

well some of them did anyway...

Now if I could just get the rest of the summer to SLOW DOWN! I'm already seeing ads in the paper for Back to School sales. I shred them - there is plenty of time for back to school shopping. I'm still trying to find a pair of flip flops that don't flip or flop too much! I don't want to risk tripping you know :-)
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
After weeks and weeks of threatening to go I finally did - I finally made the trip to the grocery store. I HATE grocery shopping. I don't know why but I just do. It is such a waste of 90 minutes. All to get a cart take groceries off the shelf place in cart, push cart to check-out, take groceries out of cart and put them on the counter, place groceries in bag, place bag in cart, push cart to car, take groceries out of cart and put in car, park cart in cart parking space, drive car home, take grocery bags out of car into house, take groceries out of bags and put into cupboard. By the time I'm all done I figure I've touched each item at least six times. See - IT IS A WASTE OF TIME, well except for that pesky eating thing. But then if I could conquer that and the groceries my life would be bliss :-)
Hope your corn is knee high by the 4th of July :-)
Hope your corn is knee high by the 4th of July :-)
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