Yes, it is true - today is Monday. WooHoo. Yeah right - ha! You know there are actually people in this world who like Monday's. Really, I know, who knew. Personally I can't even imagine what these Monday lovers are thinking. Is it the return to a schedule? Is it the beginning of a new week thus opening a world of new opportunities? Is it sending kids back to school? WHAT IS IT? I know one thing for sure - I bet the majority of the Monday lovers don't work outside the home. I bet they don't have to drag groggy kids out of bed to drop them off at daycare. I bet they don't have to frantically search for backpacks, library books and lunch money. I bet they don't have to search their closet looking for something, anything that doesn't need to be ironed. I just bet they don't!
So in case there was any question, I am not a Monday lover. And since today is Monday I guess you know where I'm at - well at least mentally. MONDAY. You know I could go on and on about this Monday thing but I have made the conscious decision that I'm going to let it go - YES, LET IT GO!!!! That's my mission for today. Let go of the Maudlin Monday Meanderings - Make My Monday Marvelous. Yep, that's the motto.
And yes, I'm still struggling with this blog thing. I don't know what is going on. The majority of the time my fingers just fly over the keyboard, words tripping over themselves - but for the past month I've got NOTHING. Is this a writer's block? Is it mid-winter blues? Are my creative juices evaporating before my very eyes? Regardless of the reason I hope things begin looking up soon because really how many posts can a person do about the days of the week or the weather?
Oh and that girl scout never did show up so we had to resort to making our own cookies. Spring cookies. Hearts, butterflies, flowers. I'll show you pictures tomorrow because today it's Monday and I just didn't have time between looking for Fairytopia Barbies and clean underwear!